Choosing Hospices Over Renting How One Pune Professional Manages Work Stints in Mumbai


Shifting to Mumbai, India's bustling fiscal mecca, frequently presents a myriad of challenges for professionals. The megacity's high reimbursement costs, limited living spaces, and strict landlord conditions can make finding suitable accommodation a daunting task. For numerous, the traditional route of renting an apartment becomes a stressful and precious bid. still, Neil Borate, the Personal Finance Editor at LiveMint, has set up an unconventional result to this imperishable problem. rather of renting, he opts to stay in hospices and Airbnbs during his daily work visits to Mumbai from his home in Pune.


This composition explores Borate's unique approach to managing his professional commitments in Mumbai without succumbing to the megacity's demanding rental request. We will claw into his reasons for choosing temporary lodgment over endless renting, the fiscal counteraccusations of this choice, and how it might serve as a feasible volition for other professionals facing analogous casing dilemmas in metropolitan metropolises.


The Challenges of Renting in Mumbai

Mumbai, frequently appertained to as the" Maximum City," is famed for its fast- paced life and towering towers. Yet, beneath its spangling skyline lies a casing request fraught with obstacles. Renting an apartment in Mumbai is n't just about chancing a space to live; it's about navigating through a maze of high costs, limited vacuity, and frequently restrictive landlord conditions.

High Reimbursement Costs The average rent for a modest one- bedroom apartment( 1 BHK) in central Mumbai can range anywhere from ₹ 40,000 to ₹ 60,000 per month or indeed advanced, depending on the position and amenities.

Limited Living Space Due to the megacity's thick population, apartments are frequently small, with limited square footage, which may not justify the high reimbursement prices.

Strict Landlord Conditions Prospective tenants constantly encounter multitudinous reservations from landlords, including proscriptions on certain cultures, expansive attestation conditions, and hefty security deposits.

These factors contribute to the stress and vexation of renting in Mumbai, egging individualities like Neil Borate to seek indispensable results.

Neil Borate’s Decision hospices and Airbnbs Over Renting

Neil Borate splits his time between Pune, where he resides, and Mumbai, where he works. After passing the challenges of renting firsthand, he decided to abandon the conventional route altogether. In a LinkedIn post, Borate participated his perceptivity


“Each week, I divide my time between Pune (my home) and Mumbai( for work). After some struggles, I have given up on renting in Mumbai. I go for Airbnbs and hospices rather."

This approach allows him to avoid the hassles associated with renting and provides inflexibility in his lodgment during his stays in Mumbai.

The appeal of South Mumbai hospices

Borate expresses a particular fondness for the old- world charm of hospices in South Mumbai. He mentions three of his favorite establishments


 The Sea Green Hotel

 The beachfront

 The West End Hotel

These hospices offer a regard into Mumbai's rich history, positioned in high locales that give easy access to the megacity's business sections. The cost of reserving these hospices starts at roughly ₹ 5,000 per night.

Borate advises implicit guests

Still, do not come with prospects of ultramodern hospices," If you bespeak these. You'll generally get essence keys rather of crucial cards. There will not be gymnasiums , pools, or any other fancy amenities. rather, enjoy the great position and history each around you."

This emphasis on position and air over luxury amenities highlights a preference for convenience and artistic experience.


Financial Counteraccusations hospices vs. Renting

One of the primary considerations in choosing between renting and staying in hospices or Airbnbs is the fiscal aspect. At first regard, the idea of staying in hospices might feel more precious than renting an apartment. still, Borate's experience suggests else.


In response to inquiries about his charges, he clarifies

" I spend about 2 nights a week in Mumbai. Not always in hospices. occasionally Airbnbs at half the price. So no, I do not spend a lakh a month on hospices. presumably ₹ 40,000, which is close to a 1 BHK reimbursement anyway."

Breaking down the costs


Hostel Stays At ₹ 5,000 per night for two nights a week, the yearly expenditure on hospices would be around ₹ 40,000.

Airbnb Options By interspersing with Airbnbs that are half the price, the cost can be reduced further.

Renting an Apartment A 1 BHK in a desirable position in Mumbai pars around ₹ 40,000 per month, banning serviceability and other living charges.

By staying in hospices and Airbnbs, Borate not only matches the cost of renting but also saves on fresh charges similar as serviceability, conservation, and exchanging from a potentially less accessible position.

Advantages of Temporary lodgment

Borate's choice offers several benefits that make it a compelling volition to traditional renting

Inflexibility Without a long- term parcel, he can acclimate his accommodation grounded on his schedule, choosing when and where to stay.

Convenience hospices and centrally located Airbnbs give easy access to work locales, reducing commute times.

No Long- Term Commitments Avoiding plats means no worries about landlord controversies, renewal accommodations, or being tied down to one position.

Cost-Effective for Part- Time residers For those who do not need to be in the megacity full- time, this approach can be more provident.

Cultural Experience Staying in major hospices allows for a richer experience of the megacity's heritage.


Challenges and Considerations

While there are clear advantages, it's important to consider implicit downsides

Lack of Personal Space hospices and Airbnbs may not offer the personalization or uncomely sense of a rented apartment.

Variable Costs Prices can change grounded on demand, especially during peak seasons or events.

Limited Amenities Budget lodgment may warrant installations like kitchens, making dining out a necessity.

Reserving Vacuity Securing the same accommodation constantly might be grueling .

The Broader Trend Flexible Living

Borate's approach reflects a broader trend among professionals seeking flexible living arrangements that suit ultramodern work cultures. With the rise of remote work, mongrel schedules, and the gig frugality, traditional sundries of settling down in one position are evolving.


Professionals are decreasingly

Opting forCo-Living Spaces These offer collaborative living with private apartments, combining affordability with social openings.

Using fidelity Programs Frequent trippers can profit from hostel fidelity programs, accruing points for abatements or upgrades.

Using Technology for Bookings Platforms like Airbnb and hostel reserving apps make it easier to find lodgment that fit specific requirements and budgets.


 Case Studies Others Who Choose Temporary Over Permanent


Borate is n't alone in his choice. Several professionals partake analogous gests Ankita Sharma, IT Adviser Grounded in Bangalore, Ankita travels to Mumbai twice a month for customer meetings. She stays in service apartments that offer daily rates, chancing it more accessible than renting or staying in standard hospices.


Rahul Mehta, Deals director Rahul spends three days a week in Delhi and opts for long- stay hospices that give abatements for regular guests. He appreciates the inflexibility and the amenities acclimatized for business trippers

 These exemplifications emphasize a shift in how professionals approach work-affiliated trip and accommodation.


 Expert Opinions on the Trend


 Assiduity experts weigh in on this growing miracle


Hospitality Industry Perspective Sanjay Singh, a hospitality adviser , notes," There is a conspicuous increase in demand for flexible stay options among professionals. hospices and service apartments are conforming by offering packages that feed to this demographic."

Fiscal counsels' Take Financial diary Radhika Gupta suggests," For professionals not permanently grounded in a megacity, spending on temporary lodgment can be financially prudent. It eliminates the retired costs of renting, similar as brokerage freights, furnishing, and conservation."


Tips for Professionals Considering This Approach


For those meaning a analogous strategy, then are some practical tips

Plan Ahead Bespeak lodgment in advance to secure the stylish rates and insure vacuity.

Mix and Match Combine hospices, Airbnbs, and service apartments to balance comfort and cost.


Negotiate Rates For frequent stays, negotiate with hospices for commercial rates or long- stay abatements.

Consider Location Prioritize lodgment close to your plant to save time and exchanging costs.

Estimate Amenities Determine what amenities are essential for you, similar as Wi- Fi, breakfast, or laundry services.

Influence fidelity Programs Enroll in hostel fidelity programs to earn points and enjoy member benefits.



Neil Borate’s decision to abstain renting in Mumbai in favor of staying in hospices and Airbnbs highlights an innovative approach to prostrating the megacity's grueling casing request. By precisely managing his accommodation choices, he maintains inflexibility, controls costs, and avoids the risks of the rental scene.

His experience serves as a precious case study for professionals navigating analogous circumstances in metropolitan areas. As work patterns continue to evolve, and with the rise of mongrel and remote work models, similar flexible living arrangements may come decreasingly common.

Eventually, the choice between renting and temporary lodgment depends on individual circumstances, including work schedules, fiscal considerations, and particular preferences. Borate's approach demonstrates that with careful planning and a amenability to explore unconventional options, professionals can find results that align with their life and career demands.



The civic casing geography, especially in metropolises like Mumbai, is complex and frequently enduring. Still, stories like Borate's offer a fresh perspective on how to navigate these challenges. By participating his experience, he not only sheds light on indispensable living arrangements but also encourages others to suppose creatively about their own casing results in the face of civic constraints.

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