ED Files FIR Against Religare’s Rashmi Saluja, Others in False Allegations Case Involving Burmans of Dabur Group


In a significant development, the Enforcement Directorate( ED) has filed a First Information Report( FIR) against the Administrative speaker of Religare Enterprises Ltd( REL), Rashmi Saluja, along with two other top officers of the company. The case, stemming from 2023, pertains to false allegations and involves prominent members of the Burman family, possessors of Dabur Group, as well as allegations of cheating and felonious conspiracy. The FIR is grounded on a complaint made by Vaibhav Gawli, who indicted the individualities involved of trying to defraud the shareholders of Religare Enterprises.


This composition delves deeper into the case, the charges brought forth,

and the broader environment girding the contestation.

Background of the Case

The FIR registered by the ED on September 6, 2024, stems from a 2023 complaint made by Vaibhav Gawli. Gawli had contended that top officers at Religare Enterprises, including Administrative speaker Rashmi Saluja, Group Chief Financial Officer Nitin Agarwal, and General Counsel Nishant Singhal, were involved in a conspiracy to defraud shareholders of the company.


The 2023 FIR listed 14 indicted individualities, including both current and former directors of Religare Enterprises and members of the Burman family, the promoters of Dabur Group. Among those indicted are Shivinder Mohan Singh and Malvinder Mohan Singh, former promoters of Religare Enterprises, as well as crucial members of the Burman family, videlicet Mohit Burman, Vivek Chand Burman, Monika Burman, Anandchand Burman, and others.


The complaint also named companies associated with the Burmans, similar as MB Finmart Pvt Ltd, Puran Associates Pvt Ltd, VIC Enterprises Pvt Ltd, and Milky Investment & Trading Company, as well as JM Financial Ltd, which served as the director for the Burman Group's open offer to the shareholders of Religare Enterprises.


Allegations of Cheating and Felonious Conspiracy


The FIR, grounded on sections of the Indian Penal Code( IPC), specially sections 420( infidelity) and 120B( felonious conspiracy), accuses the individualities of orchestrating a plot to defraud the shareholders of Religare Enterprises. These charges punctuate the graveness of the case and the implicit ramifications for the indicted if proven shamefaced.


The disquisition stems from allegations that the indicted individualities had engaged in manipulative practices to deceive shareholders and grease fiscal mismanagement within Religare Enterprises. This reportedly involved fraudulent claims and an elaborate conspiracy that was aimed at serving specific individualities and companies at the expenditure of REL’s investors.


ED’s Hunt Operations and Investigative Findings


In August 2024, the Enforcement Directorate boosted its disquisition by conducting hunt operations at multiple locales associated with Religare Enterprises’ top officers. On August 21, the ED raided the demesne of several crucial directors, including Rashmi Saluja, Nitin Agarwal, and Nishant Singhal. The hunt also extended to Chirag Jain, the Chief Operating Officer of Religare Finvest Ltd, a wholly possessed attachment of Religare Enterprises.


These quests were part of a larger trouble by the ED to gather substantiation and establish a clearer picture of the contended fraudulent conditioning. The nonsupervisory form issued by Religare Enterprises conceded these quests, indicating that they were conducted on directorial labor force linked to the company’s operations and finances.


According to sources near to the disquisition, the ED's hunt operations aimed to uncover documents, electronic records, and dispatches that could exfoliate light on the conspiracy and the alleged fraud. The findings of these quests are anticipated to play a pivotal part in determining the coming way in the case.


The part of the Burman Family


The involvement of the Burman family in this contestation has added another subcaste of complexity to the case. The Burmans, who are well- known for their power of Dabur Group, a leading player in the fast- moving consumer goods( FMCG) sector, acquired a significant stake in Religare Enterprises through a series of deals. Four companies associated with the Burman family — MB Finmart Pvt Ltd, Puran Associates Pvt Ltd, VIC Enterprises Pvt Ltd, and Milky Investment & Trading Company — were involved in making an open offer to the shareholders of REL.


Still, Gawli’s complaint alleges that this accession was part of a broader scheme to defraud the shareholders of Religare Enterprises. According to the FIR, crucial members of the Burman family, including Mohit Burman, Vivek Chand Burman, Monika Burman, and others, were laboriously involved in this alleged conspiracy.


The Burmans’ association with Religare Enterprises dates back to their accession of shares, but their part in the operation and decision- making process of the company has been called into question by these allegations. The allegations against the Burmans could have serious counteraccusations for their character and their business interests if the charges are substantiated.


History of fiscal Irregularities at Religare Enterprises


Religare Enterprises has been no foreigner to contestation in recent times. The company was preliminarily bogged in a major fiscal reproach involving its former promoters, Shivinder and Malvinder Mohan Singh. The Singh sisters were indicted of siphoning off finances from the company and misusing loans taken from Religare Finvest Ltd, a attachment of REL.


The allegations of fiscal impropriety led to the arrest of the Singh sisters and a significant disquisition by Indian authorities into the operation and operations of Religare Enterprises. The current allegations against the company’s leadership, including Rashmi Saluja, suggest that fiscal mismanagement may have continued under the new leadership.

The involvement of the ED in this case highlights the soberness of the allegations and underscores the need for translucency and responsibility within Religare Enterprises.


What’s Next?

As the disquisition continues, the ED is anticipated to gather further substantiation and conceivably make farther apprehensions. The indicted individualities, including Rashmi Saluja and the Burmans, will probably face questioning as part of the inquiry.

The outgrowth of the disquisition will be pivotal in determining the future of Religare Enterprises and the individualities involved.However, it could affect in severe legal consequences for those intertwined, including implicit jail time for the indicted and significant fiscal penalties, If the allegations are proven to be true.

Also, the case could have broader counteraccusations for commercial governance in India, particularly in terms of the liabilities of company directors and the significance of maintaining translucency with shareholders.



The FIR filed by the Enforcement Directorate against Rashmi Saluja, Nitin Agarwal, and Nishant Singhal, along with the involvement of the Burman family, has thrust Religare Enterprises back into the limelight for all the wrong reasons. The case, which involves allegations of cheating and conspiracy, marks yet another chapter in the worried history of the company.


 As the disquisition unfolds, the focus will remain on the ED's findings and the substantiation it uncovers. The case could serve as a wake- up call for commercial India, pressing the need for stricter oversight, translucency, and responsibility in fiscal dealings.


 The coming months will be critical in determining the outgrowth of this high- profile case, and stakeholders in Religare Enterprises, as well as the broader fiscal community, will be watching nearly.

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