“Engineer Rashid Denies BJP Allegiance, Vows to Fight for Kashmiri Rights"


Engineer Rashid, a prominent political figure from Jammu and Kashmir, walked out of Tihar Jail on interim bail after being confined for alleged terror backing since 2019. His release has sparked allegations of a secret deal with the Bharatiya Janata Party( BJP), which both Rashid and the BJP have forcefully denied. While Rashid claims to be a victim of the BJP’s programs, the party has labeled him a" rank rebel." As the J&K Assembly choices approach, Rashid and the BJP are keen to emphasize their political distance, with both sides situating themselves for a tense and high- stakes contest.


Engineer Rashid's Return A flexible Voice

After being released on bail, mastermind Rashid addressed the public, dismissing allegations that he was acting as a deputy for the BJP. Rashid's imprisonment stemmed from allegations of involvement in terror backing, but he has constantly denied these charges, portraying himself as a victim of political vendettas.


Upon his release, Rashid wasted no time in attacking the BJP, particularly its narrative of" Naya Kashmir" and the invalidation of Composition 370. He deposited himself as a representative of the people of Kashmir, committed to fighting for their rights through peaceful means. In a sharp disproof to those criminating him of a deal with the BJP, Rashid asked," How can a man who has been the victim of the BJP’s politics be its deputy?" He went on to express his intention to challenge Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision for Kashmir, criminating the BJP of ignoring the voices of the region's people.


Political Landscape in J&K BJP vs. Rashid

The BJP was quick to respond to Rashid’s release and statements. Ram Madhav, the party's election in- charge for Jammu and Kashmir, labeled Rashid a “ rank rebel ” whose conduct have constantly aimed at destabilizing the region’s politics. Madhav’s commentary emphasize the BJP’s position on Rashid, viewing him as an handicap to their docket for Kashmir.


The timing of Rashid's release, just before the J&K Assembly choices, has fueled enterprise about a possible backroom deal between Rashid and the BJP- led Central government. Both the National Conference and the Peoples Democratic Party( PDP) have raised enterprises, suggesting that Rashid’s freedom could be part of a broader political arrangement. Rashid’s own recent success in winning the Lok Sabha choices from Baramulla, while still before bars, has only added to the conspiracy girding his political future.

Rashid, still, has been quick to dismiss these allegations, reiterating his independence and commitment to peaceful political activism. “ We'll fight through peaceful political means. We’re not dollies. We'll approach civil society and we will fight using the dimension of the law, ” he declared, distancing himself from any suggestions of conspiracy with the BJP.


The Fight for Kashmir’s Future

At the heart of mastermind Rashid's political platform is the fight for Kashmir’s right to tone- determination. Rashid has long been an open critic of the invalidation of Composition 370, which stripped Jammu and Kashmir of its special status under the Indian Constitution. For numerous in the region, this move by the Modi government represented a treason of Kashmir’s autonomy and a step toward farther marginalization.


Rashid’s return to the political scene has reignited the debate over the future of Kashmir and its relationship with the Indian state. In his first press conference after his release, Rashid blamed the BJP’s running of the situation, criminating the government of treating Kashmiris as outlanders. “ Do n’t label us as Pakistanis, treat us as humans Why are you hysterical of speaking to us? ” Rashid contended, directing his communication at Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah.


Rashid also emphasized the need for dialogue between the government and the people of Kashmir, calling on Modi to allow him to speak in Parliament and partake the gests of Kashmiris. He raised his desire to see Kashmiris treated with quality and respect, rather than being used as political pawns in the larger public narrative. “ Do n’t immolation Kashmiris for your political docket. We are n't adversaries of India. I want this country to prosper, ” he added, in a direct appeal to the government.


Kashmir’s part in Indian Politics

The political situation in Kashmir has long been a point of contention in Indian politics, with consecutive governments floundering to manage the region’s demands for autonomy and tone- determination. The BJP’s invalidation of Composition 370 and its posterior sweats to integrate Jammu and Kashmir more completely into India have been met with resistance from colorful diggings, both within and outside the region.


For Rashid, the invalidation of Composition 370 marked a turning point, and his review of the BJP’s conduct reflects the deep divisions that continue to shape the region’s politics. “ Aapne Union home bana diya. degrade kar diya hum ko( You made us a Union home, disrated us from a state), ” he lamented, pressing the perceived injustice of Kashmir’s loss of statehood.


Despite the challenges, Rashid remains hopeful that peaceful political means can bring about change in Kashmir. He has pledged to continue his fight against the Modi government’s programs, promising to take the struggle from Srinagar to Delhi. Rashid’s strategy involves marshaling civil society and using the legal frame to challenge the government’s conduct, while also bringing attention to the everyday struggles faced by Kashmiris.


BJP's Stand A establishment Grip on ‘ Naya Kashmir’

The BJP, meanwhile, remains loyal in its vision for Kashmir. Ram Madhav’s response to Rashid’s release made it clear that the party sees him as a disruptive force. “ This rank rebel, in jail for the last five times under UAPA for indulging inanti-India conditioning, is out on bail to further vitiate Valley politics, ” Madhav wrote in a post on X( formerly Twitter).


Madhav also reiterated the BJP’s commitment to the idea of" Naya Kashmir," a vision that the party believes will bring peace, stability, and development to the region. In his response to Rashid, Madhav said that the march toward a new Kashmir would continue “ implacable, ” despite opposition from those like Rashid who challenge the BJP’s programs.


For the BJP, the forthcoming J&K Assembly choices represent a critical moment in their sweats to solidify their control over the region. With Rashid now back in the political arena, the contest is likely to be fierce, as both sides battle for the support of the Kashmiri people.



Rashid’s release from jail has set the stage for a renewed political battle in Jammu and Kashmir. As the region prepares for Assembly choices, Rashid’s return to the crusade trail has raised questions about his relationship with the BJP and his part in the future of Kashmir’s politics. While both Rashid and the BJP deny any alliance, the coming weeks will probably see increased scrutiny of their conduct and rhetoric.


For now, Rashid remains concentrated on his charge to fight for Kashmir’s rights, indeed as the BJP pushes forward with its vision for a" Naya Kashmir." The outgrowth of this political showdown will have far- reaching counteraccusations for the region, as well as for India as a whole.

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